What Is The Medicine For Leg Pain?

By Ben Loomis – DSC_9441.jpg, CC BY 2.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=73875056

Evaluation of leg pain often starts with a healthcare professional interviewing the patient and doing a physical examination to help identify the possible cause of leg pain. The decision on medical tests, including blood tests and X-rays, depends on the interest of the provider as to what might be the source of leg pain. Testing and X-rays are often not needed.

Blood Tests

Blood tests, including white blood cell count, erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and C-reactive protein (CRP) measurements, can aid in the assessment of infection or inflammation. These non-specific tests can provide more guidance to the health care provider. Please note that white blood cell counts can be increased with infection unless the patient has a compromised immune system at which point it may be wrongly regular. As in all studies, if the ESR and the CRP are elevated, healthcare practitioners need to view the findings in the light of the particular disease being considered.

If gout is considered, health care providers may conduct a blood test to determine uric acid; however, uric acid levels may be elevated, low or normal in acute attacks. The outcome is beneficial if the level is elevated and a gout flare can be verified if it is accompanied by history and physical examination. Your doctor can recommend other blood tests depending on the underlying medical conditions being considered.

Home Remedies for Leg Pain

Self-care at home depends on the source of the pain in the leg.

  • RICE is the initial recommendation for sprains and strains: rest, ice, compression, and elevation. Acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil) can be used for pain relief purposes. Over-the-counter medications are generally safe to take, but can interfere with other prescription drugs. Health care professionals or pharmacists are normally eligible for questions and advice.
  • Hamstring and calf injuries typically heal the body’s development of collagen fibers to create scar tissue in the area of muscle harm. Depending on the severity of the injury, it can take days to weeks to heal fully. RICE is the treatment of the strain (rest, ice, compression, and elevation). Once the initial recovery process begins, it is necessary for the muscle to regain its duration. Stretching and massage exercises are also used to help restore the hamstring muscles to their maximum length, allowing for full range of movement of the knee and leg. The decision as to when to initiate these activities or use other forms of physical therapy is individualized for each patient and is mostly made by the health care provider.

    Crutches may be used in the first few days following damage to the rest of the body. Elastic bandages (Ace wraps) can be applied to the thigh, starting at the knee and going up to the hip joint to provide compression. Ibuprofen can be recommended as an anti-inflammatory drug and for pain management. As with any over-the-counter drug, it is important to consult with a pharmacist or health care provider to make sure that it is safe to take ibuprofen in each particular case.
  • People with sciatic pain should continue to function as tolerated. Relaxing bed is no longer recommended. People with sciatic pain appear to return to normal activity more easily if bed rest is reduced. Ice and heat alternating may be helpful; acetaminophen and ibuprofen may also be used. Treatment with chiropractic or physical therapy can be helpful. If the pain is associated with a change in bowel or bladder function, this may mean Cauda Equina Syndrome, where the spinal cord is at risk of permanent damage, and emergency treatment should be taken immediately.
  • Similarly, lifetime regulation of high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes, along with smoking prevention, minimizes the risk of peripheral artery disease, heart attack and stroke.
  • Most of the conditions that cause leg pain grow slowly, and home treatment should be individualized for each patient. One health care provider is an essential network for diagnosis, prevention and treatment.
  • Prevention is also the best option for people with chronic medical conditions. Neuropathy pain in people with diabetes is very difficult to control; blood sugar control over their lifetime minimizes the likelihood of this and other complications in later life.
  • If acute pain occurs with swelling of the leg or lack of sensation associated with a cold leg, medical attention should be taken immediately.

Leg Pain Prevention

When it comes to avoiding leg pain, walking regularly is particularly effective, as it ensures good circulation of the blood. Applying anything cold often stops heavy legs because it narrows the veins, making it easier for the blood to circulate. In the same way, you should avoid sitting too long, particularly during flights, when we suggest you wear compression stockings. We also suggest that you strengthen your abdominal muscles, which decreases the risk of having blocked nerves in your lower back. Finally, it’s very necessary to have enough water to drink.

Are You Looking for Relief From Neck Pain?

Pace Physical Therapy in San Jose, California specializes in non-surgical neck pain relief and recovery therapies.  We pride ourselves on offering the best possible physical therapy available and going above and beyond for our patients. Our highly experienced physical therapist will work with you to improve your function and relieve your pain. We start by assessing the body as a whole. Oftentimes the cause of pain or an injury extends far beyond just the body part or muscle hurting. Without taking a comprehensive look at your entire self, we would be doing you a disservice in fully helping you heal and preventing future limitations. We then move on to fixing your areas of limitation.  Not all diagnoses are created equal. One person with neck pain may have completely different limitations than the next person. Your recovery program needs to be specific to what YOUR body needs and not just the typical exercise program that you can find online. Just because your pain decreases or you can walk longer doesn’t mean that it is enough to get you functioning at the level you want to be. While this often signifies the end of care at your typical PT clinic we don’t stop providing guidance until we help you successfully meet every goal you set for yourself with us on day one. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!