Can My Shoulder Pain Go Away Without Surgery?

When you go to return a serve at your weekly volleyball game, you experience intense shoulder pain.

The pain has been occurring more often recently, and icing it doesn’t seem to be helping. However, you are apprehensive about seeing a doctor for fear of requiring surgery.

The good news is that surgery isn’t the only way to treat your condition. Nonsurgical therapies are successful in about 70% of sports injury cases and can be a good option for a lot of people.

Easy Home Remedies To Eliminate Shoulder Pain

Soothing inflammation (swelling and redness) and strengthening muscles are common treatments for shoulder pain. Here are a few ways to look after yourself and relieve shoulder pain.

Anti-inflammatory medication

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are pain relievers and anti-inflammatories. Aspirin, ibuprofen, and naproxen are examples of over-the-counter medications. In rotator cuff injuries, tendonitis and arthritis, and other shoulder injuries, reducing inflammation is important.

Cold compress

Cold compresses can help minimize shoulder swelling. Cooling also aids in the numbing of sharp pain. Apply an ice pack five times a day for up to 20 minutes each time. Frozen gel packs, ice cubes in a plastic container, or frozen peas are all good options. Wrap a warm towel around the cold bag. Do not use a cold pack on your skin.


Wrap an elastic medical bandage around the shoulder to help relieve swelling and discomfort. Use a standard ACE bandage or a cold compression bandage. A shoulder wrap is also available from a pharmacy. Wrap it around your wrist snugly but not too tightly. You don’t want to stop the flow of blood. Loosen the compression bandage if your arm or hand starts to feel numb, tingly, or blue.

Heat therapy

Heat aids in the relaxation of sore muscles and the relief of a strained shoulder. It can help with shoulder muscle pain and arthritis. Use a warm gel bag, heating pad, or hot water bottle to relieve your pain.

Muscle relaxants

If you have muscle tension or spasms around the shoulder joint, muscle relaxants can help. Cyclobenzaprine, tizanidine, and baclofen are all common muscle relaxants. A prescription from your doctor is needed.

Muscle relaxants can make you drowsy, so don’t take them if you’re driving or running machinery.

Pain medication

Pain relievers such as acetaminophen and aspirin can aid. When you heal from your injury, this will help you deal with it and sleep better.

Side effects of pain killers include stomach irritation and heartburn. If you’re taking them for more than four weeks, see your doctor.

Topical pain reliever gels and creams are another option, since they don’t have the same side effects as oral pain relievers. The United States Food and Drug Administration has approved diclofenac in two types for the treatment of osteoarthritis. It comes in the form of a gel containing 1% diclofenac sodium and a solution containing 1.5 percent diclofenac sodium.

Rest and activity modification

Stop or alter the action that is causing your shoulder pain. It’s important to move the shoulder slowly. This aids in the strength and flexibility of the shoulder muscles.

Do physical therapy

Physical therapy can be a safer option for certain forms of shoulder pain than surgery.

Over the course of about six weeks of rehabilitation, the muscles around the shoulder are also improved, restoring mobility.

Maintain your weight

What role does weight control play in shoulder pain? You may be surprised by the response.

According to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, metabolic syndrome is an umbrella term for a group of risk factors that increase the risk of heart disease, diabetes, and stroke (NHLBI).

Metabolic syndrome is made up of five different disorders. If you have three out of five, you will almost certainly be diagnosed with it.

The conditions include:

  • Abdominal adipose tissue (adipose tissue) is a
  • Triglyceride levels are high (high-fat levels in the blood)
  • HDL, or “good” cholesterol, levels are low.
  • Blood pressure that is too high
  • Fasting blood sugar levels that are too high

Are You Looking for Shoulder Pain Relief? 

Pace Physical Therapy in San Jose, California specializes in non-surgical shoulder pain relief and recovery therapies.  We pride ourselves on offering the best possible physical therapy available and going above and beyond for our patients. Physical therapy, without the need for harmful drugs or unnecessary surgery, is a safe, simple and convenient way to find relief from shoulder pain. A variety of problems resulting in shoulder pain have been treated by our physical therapists, with patients experiencing progress and relief after just a few short sessions, and even fewer! We will develop a specialized mix of physical therapy approaches to treat and alleviate your pain once we have identified the source of your shoulder pain. Gentle manual therapy helps to restore natural joint mobility, relieve constraints on soft tissue, and facilitate circulation while restoring strength and the proper sequence of muscle activation around the shoulder joint through precise therapeutic exercises. Finally, we teach you strategies to strengthen your power and to stop the recurrence of future shoulder problems. Don’t let your pain in your shoulder hinder your physical skills any longer! Our physical therapy practice in San Jose, CA, will give you the support you need to once again start living your regular life. To schedule your appointment and get started on your journey towards pain relief, contact Pace Physical Therapy today. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!