Can Arthritis Spread?

Arthritis can result in swelling, aching knees or fingers that are difficult to ignore. Other bodily components, such as the skin, eyes, and lungs, might also be impacted. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a systemic illness, which means it affects multiple organs. According to a new study, cells surrounding rheumatoid arthritis-affected joints may transfer the disease to neighboring joints by passing through blood vessels.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a condition that causes inflammation and degeneration of joints. According to researchers, the disease begins in a few joints and quickly spreads to other joints throughout the body. The technique by which the disease travels from joint to joint was unclear until today. Synovial fibroblasts, according to a study published in Nature Medicine, may be to blame. The cells, which are found in the lining of joints, have already been linked to cartilage breakdown in rheumatoid arthritis.

How Do RA Symptoms Change Over Time?

Although each person is unique, there are a few typical trends in how RA manifests itself throughout time:

  • Remissions that last a long time. Your pain and stiffness will go gone or improve significantly during one of these phases, but you will not be cured. A small percentage of persons with RA — about 5% to 10% — develop the disease abruptly and have no symptoms for years, if not decades.
  • Symptoms that appear and disappear. Rheumatoid arthritis affects roughly 15% of persons. There may be months between flare-ups when you have little or no difficulties.
  • Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that worsens over time. To control the condition and slow or stop it from growing worse, most people in this position require a long-term treatment plan and a coordinated medical team.

Signs That Your Rheumatoid Arthritis Is Getting Worse

How can you know if your RA is progressing? There is no easy way to tell, although there are several broad symptoms to look for:

  • Flares that are particularly strong or last a long time
  • Early diagnosis means the disease has more time to manifest itself in your body.
  • Rheumatoid nodules are lumps under the skin that usually appear around the elbows.
  • Inflammation that is active and shows up in joint fluid or blood tests
  • When you were diagnosed, X-rays revealed damage.
  • In blood tests, there are high levels of rheumatoid factor or citrulline antibodies.

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis have a greater rate of disability, with 60% unable to work 10 years after the commencement of the disease. Rheumatoid sufferers have a higher mortality risk, according to recent studies. In comparison to control populations, median life expectancy was reduced by 7 years for males and 3 years for women. The mortality rate was two times higher in over 5000 individuals with rheumatoid arthritis from four sites than in the control group. Patients with systemic extra-articular involvement, limited functional capability, low socioeconomic level, low education, and prednisone use are more likely to have a shorter survival time.

It is hoped that the data on disability and mortality will improve with the development of treatments to better regulate inflammation and treatment regimens focused toward low disease activity and remission.

Are You Looking for Arthritis Relief the You Can’t Seem to Shake?

Pace Physical Therapy in San Jose, California specializes in non-surgical arthritis pain relief and recovery therapies.  We pride ourselves on offering the best possible physical therapy available and going above and beyond for our patients. Do you ever wake up feeling like you’re stiff or tight in your joints? Do they ache in the morning as you shift, becoming less painful as the day goes on? If so, this may be a symptom of early-stage arthritis. Arthritis is a common illness that many people suffer, but before seeking treatment, they tend to live with it for far too long. Pace Physical Therapy will help you find relief today. You don’t have to struggle with sore joints from arthritis. If you have arthritis, or you think you can have arthritic symptoms, contact Pace Physical Therapy today to request an appointment. Contact us today to schedule your appointment!