Say Goodbye To Expensive Over-The-Counter Medicine, and Hello To Physical Therapy! The society that we live in today is highly medicated. Go into any grocery store or pharmacy and you’ll notice tons of over-the-counter pain medications. Doctors also consistently prescribe heavier pain relievers as well, including the opioids that have become increasingly abused over the
Category: Health
Aug20th 2020
Physical Therapy: Treating Arthritis the Safe and Easy Way
Anyone living with arthritis knows how debilitating it can be. Several people dealing with arthritic aches and pains end up resorting to steroid injections, antirheumatic drugs, or even joint replacement surgery, in order to manage their pain. However, physical therapy itself has proven successful for many arthritis sufferers. Before turning to potentially harmful drugs or
What’s the Difference Between Sprains and Strains?
Aug10th 2020It is a common misconception that “sprains” and “strains” are interchangeable terms. In reality, there are some key differences between the two. In order to understand how they differ, it is important to first understand what ligaments and tendons are. Ligaments connect bones to bones within a joint, while tendons connect bones to muscles. When