Post-Surgical Rehab
Get Back to Your Life Faster with Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
Recover From Your Surgery as Quickly as Possible
Did you have an operation coming up that you were worried about? When preparing for surgery, it is natural to be a little anxious, wondering how easily you’ll be able to get back to doing all the things you enjoy. Luckily, understanding that you have a pre-set post-surgical physical therapy schedule will help to relieve some of the tension.
Do you want to heal as soon as possible from your surgery? Of course you are, so let Pace Physical therapy help you recover. Contact us for an appointment today with one of our devoted physical therapists from San Jose, CA. They will build a customized recovery plan for your unique needs so you can get back to your life faster!
Why do I need surgery?
Many doctors will prescribe surgical correction when conservative medical methods for an injury or health problem fail to provide sufficient relief. Some common conditions that can contribute to surgery include but are not restricted to:
- Total hip replacements
- Full or partial knee replacements
- Rotator cuff tears
- ACL, MCL, and/or meniscus repairs
- Heart surgery – ablations, stent placements, cardiac pacemakers, etc
The effect on your body of these surgeries should not be understated. At least some degree of discomfort, inflammation, mobility limits, and swelling are caused by most surgeries. You were possibly already feeling pain and dysfunction before your operation, to exacerbate matters!

To support healing tissues and/or to prevent recurring dysfunction, it is possible that you will have to learn how to do such things all over again, including walking and getting dressed. Our physical therapists from San Jose, CA will show you how to safely perform activities while following important post-operative guidelines. Your surgeon also outlines these instructions which can include safe positions for your hip, knee, sternum, spine, guidelines for non-weight bearing, etc.
How can I benefit from post-surgical rehab?
The basic elements of good surgical results are both pre- and post-surgical rehab. Any type of surgery can be treated as a form of trauma and can differently affect the body. Also minor surgical procedures that are uncomplicated may have a significant effect on your health. Because of this it is highly vital to have post-surgical recovery with a physical therapist from San Jose, CA, to ensure that everything goes smoothly after the surgery is completed.
At Pace Physical Therapy, individualized post-surgical recovery not only minimizes your pain and speeds up the healing time, but it can also decrease the chances of post-operative complications, including infections, bleeding, blood clots, muscle fatigue, scar tissue, reduced function, and other factors that can affect your long-term health negatively.
The ability to help you minimize or fully stop prescribed painkillers, including opioids, is another important justification for choosing post-surgical physical therapy. Currently, an opioid epidemic is gripping the nation and affecting every socioeconomic class. An estimated 115 individuals die from an opioid overdose every day according to the CDC, and upwards of 29 percent of people prescribed opioids will end up misusing these risky medications.
For this reason, wherever possible, the CDC recommends individuals to prefer physical therapy over prescription painkillers.
Get started on your post-surgical treatment plan today:
Although pain relief medications may be prescribed by your doctor, physical therapy has been proven to alleviate pain without them being required. Pain-killing medications mask the pain, while the problem where the pain originates is addressed by physical therapy. Specialized procedures, techniques and modalities, such as ultrasound, joint mobilization, laser therapy, electrical stimulation, and home exercise systems, are used to do this.
Anything you may need surgery for, Pace Physical Therapy will help you get to your optimal levels of operation afterwards. Our physical therapists in San Jose, CA will build a recovery plan that will include tailored stretches and activities to help you heal and return to your everyday life as usual.
After your post-surgical recovery procedures are done, we are committed to making sure that you are living a healthy life. As a result, education on any lifestyle and/or dietary improvements you may make will also be part of your recovery plan to optimize your long-term wellbeing, prevent harm to yourself and eliminate the need for further surgeries in the future.
Physical limitations can result from the days and weeks following a surgical procedure. Our physical therapist will instruct you on how to overcome these restrictions, such as how to go up and down the stairs, put on clothing, or get in and out of a vehicle. With the help of adaptive instruments to compensate for decreased movement, this can be achieved. You will be able to move about easily after making these changes, while still working to regain the normal range of motion in your body.Don’t wait to set up your post-surgical recovery schedule if you are planning to have a surgical procedure in the near future. Do it today with Pace Physical Therapy. To get back to your life as quickly and easily as possible, we will provide you with everything you need!