5 Quick Tips About Concussion Therapies

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Concussions are a type of traumatic brain injury that can be caused by a blow to the head, impact from an object, or shaking of the head. The symptoms vary depending on the severity and may include headache, dizziness, nausea/vomiting, slurred speech, lack of balance and coordination. Concussion therapies help reduce these symptoms while promoting healing within the brain tissue. In this article, we will discuss 5 quick tips about concussion therapies which should provide you with some helpful information.

What To Do After A Concussion?

    After a traumatic brain injury, it is important to talk with your doctor about the best treatment plan for you. The most important thing to remember when recovering from a concussion is patience, even if you feel like you are back to normal after a few days or weeks, it’s still possible that symptoms will develop later on and can last up to six months. That being said, there are some things that you can do to speed up recovery and get back into life as quickly as possible.

  • Drink enough water throughout the day – at least eight glasses per day.
  • Stay active by doing light exercise like walking for 20 minutes every day.
  • Eat foods that contribute with healthy nutrients such as green leafy vegetables
  • Sleep well (at least seven hours) each night.

5 Quick Tips About Concussion Therapies

    Concussions are no joke, and they can be really scary if you don’t know what to do. Some people with concussions need aggressive treatments like surgery or steroid injections, but for most people with concussions, the best treatment is rest and time. Here are the 5 quick tips about concussion therapy:

1. If you are experiencing any trouble with your memory after a concussion, see a doctor right away.

    It is important to be seen by a doctor as soon as you can, even if it’s hard for you. It is better to get checked out and know that all of your symptoms are not serious than only think they might be and wait until things start getting worse. Memory is complicated, and it can take some time to see improvements. It’s important not to put off seeing a doctor in the hopes that things will resolve themselves on their own.

2. Most concussion therapies are geared towards children or adults.

    There are many therapies for both adults and children with concussions, but most of them aren’t designed to be used together. You must find a therapist who understands how your symptoms impact you specifically as an individual.

3. There are many different types of therapies for concussions.

    There is no single treatment that will work to resolve all of your symptoms or cure you completely. You should be open and honest about what you need from a therapist, and find someone who can help provide it instead of coming up with some sort of cookie-cutter plan just because they think that’s the only thing, kids/adults like you might want.

4. Find someone who knows your diagnosis.

    We know that it can be difficult to find the right therapist for you, especially if you are starting with a concussion and need help recovering from it. It is important to try several different therapists until one of them clicks with you, this might take some time but will be worth it in the end. Find a therapist who understands what you need from them. It’s important not only to look at their qualifications when going through potential therapists but also how they work with patients like yourself specifically especially if they have had concussions themselves.

5. It is important to have a plan.

    No two concussions are the same, so don’t try and follow some sort of generalized treatment plan if it doesn’t work for you specifically. To get better from your concussion, it is best to create a personalized recovery plan that takes into account all of your symptoms as well as what has worked in the past when recovering from other injuries you might have had before.

    Concussion therapies are many and varied, but it can be difficult to know which ones will work for you. If you want the best chance of full recovery after a concussion, get in touch with us today. We’ll help assess your needs and come up with a plan that helps you recover quickly from this injury. You deserve our support, so let us give it to you.

Are You Looking for Help with Concussion Symptoms? 

Pace Physical Therapy in San Jose, California specializes in non-surgical relief and recovery therapies for Sports Injuries.  Concussion therapy is a highly useful tool in supporting recovery from traumatic brain injury. During concussion therapy, you can expect to work with a highly experienced San Jose, CA physical therapist who will evaluate the severity of your brain trauma and match you with tricks and strategies that can reduce discomfort, alleviate painful symptoms, and improve brain functionality. Physical therapy programs for concussions often build in vestibular therapy, which helps you orient yourself during periods of lightheadedness or loss of balance. The staff at Pace Physical Therapy strive every day to provide excellent service for all our patients because we understand it can be frustrating not being able to do what you love most due to an injury keeping us off the field or court! Contact us today to schedule your appointment!